This is the last weekend, for 8 months, that I will have no homework, readings, labs, projects, etc. Scary.
Bonus that it's a long weekend! How did you spend your labour day long weekend?
I bought some cute new furniture pieces & decorative things for my apartment & am about to embark on a redecorating-rejuvenating-re-freshening mission.
Although- back to school = back to spending carefully. Sadface. Especially since I can go
{here} and name an item I have every 2 lines or so. Jeez.
Yep. Counting down. Today is my 2nd last day of work. Well, last
legit working day. Tomorrow is a staff bbq/party/extravaganza.Then it's a long weekend.. and...

For, like, 3 days haha. Classes start next Tuesday.
This afternoon is
craaaawling by. 1 hr & 20 mins to go. What should I make for supper? Hmm. No, bad idea. No food-related brainstorming allowed. I'll get hungry and time will slow to a literal fucking standstill.
This entry has kind of turned into just a written stream of consciousness. How fun/lucky for
I know a lot of people who absolutely cringe when they realize it's raining outside. Not me.
I absolutely
love the rain.
Love love love.
You can put on an extra pair of socks, throw on a good rainy day playlist (found
this one online and ♥ it), get a warm cup of something delish and just listen & smell & watch.
But today, I'm stuck @ the office. Can't wait to leave work & enjoy the delightfully grey weather.