Ah, childhood

I don't really have anything to say about this picture, besides stating the obvious: that it is adorable and the girl on the left.. well.. her stance is just gold.


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When I said I'd hit that, I meant with my car

Do you ever wonder, if your exes think about you like you think about them? I mean, I don't mean every waking moment, but if you ever cross their mind now and then? If they catch a whiff of your perfume does it remind him of your warm embraces you used to share? Do songs and movies trigger the weirdest emotions of when you were together?

Granted, each relationship is completely different and each has it's own rulebook, but even if the memories are good or bad, or whether you are still pining for them or want to run them over with a school bus; is it impossible to completely delete someone out of your thoughts? And, does it go both ways? As in, are men capable of becoming emotionally detached more readily?

Hmm. Just some things I've been pondering lately.

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Anonymous people's anonymous thoughts

Have you ever checked out PostSecret.com? If not, you totally should. I think it's updated once a week, and it's super interesting. Basically, the premise is people send in post cards with their secrets creatively displayed/written.. hence the name of the site.

Anyway, here are a few of my favourites I've seen since I started reading the site:


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I finally gave in and bought the book that has so much hype surrounding it: Twilight. The result? O. M. G. OBSESSED! Haha. I honestly had the first one read in less than 24 hrs, went out and got the 2nd one, and had that read in a day. Then I went and bought the 3rd and 4th, because clearly I will be needing an Edward Cullen fix.

Also, they're making a movie? Fuck is that awesome!! Hopefully they don't ruin it like most book-to-movies end up.

My number one reason you should read the books / hit up the movie? Edward Cullen. He's charming, romantic.. pretty much my dream guy, and this is the guy being cast as him in the movie, Rob Pattinson:

Pretty much sex on legs! Frick.

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Pleasure month

FYI: September is 'Pleasure your mate month'. How wonderful. Not just for this month but for always, www.sexinfo101.com has pretty much every position in the universe with animated images of it. Seriously, check it out.


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A beautiful, beautiful man

I'd like to draw your immediate attention to this gorgeous hunk of male: Alexandre Despatie, a Canadian [olympic] diver. Included in this post are some pictures for your viewing pleasure. Quite possibly the main reason I actually tuned in for the Beijing Olympics.

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Creepy resemblance of the week

Watching CNTM, couldn't help but realize judge & photographer Paul Alexander's uncanny resemblance to one of the Jonas brothers (don't know which is which unfortunately..), it's ridic.

Anyway, check it out, JB on the left and Paul on the right:
Am I right, or am I right?

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Question of the day

I'm not totally sure if I'm over-reacting, or if D is actually being a total fuckpig on this one.

Here's the sitch.

Minding my own business, doing some casual facebooking and chatting. Out of nowhere, he strikes up a conversation on msn.

Uh, what? We haven't spoken in depth for months besides when we've been forced to in large social situations and suddenly it's time for small talk? Eat shit!

Anyway, I decided to indulge his efforts for reasons completely unbeknownst to me, and then somewhere in between "How's it going" and "What's new?" he slips in:

D: Uh, can I ask you a somewhat personal question?
Me: Yeah sure. (I mean after a certain point, nothing is too personal wiht a guy anymore, ya know?)
D: Was I your first?



I honestly didn't know what to say! The answer's no, and we'd been through these sorts of details before we actually had sex the first time together. Furthermore, who the hell asks that so far down the road? Honestly, I didn't know what to make of it.


Declared on facebook before my very own sparkling eyes, oh, D is now in a relationship! Splendid. With a total troll! Who SCREAMS innocentnaivegirlwhocantsaypeniswithoutgiggling.

Naturally, I couldn't let this go without more investigation and called the bastard a day or so later, asking what his motives were behind such a question.

The reason? Oh, simply that his new gf was a virgin and he was wondering if I could offer any perspective on what being deflowered (particularly by him) was like to aid her in this magical journey of their love. Fuck. Right. Off.

You want ME to help YOU with your new relationship? Ugh. The balls to ask that question for THAT reason just infuriated me.

Especially when I really felt like responding, "Well, it shouldn't be too bad for her since you have such a tiny unpleasing dick."

But I restrained myself. For now.

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Riddle me this --

I've recently become addicted to watching Canada's Next Top Model on late night MTV, and would really, sincerely like to remedy a question that has been bothering me.

Is Jay Manuel a:
A) female
B) male
C) alien
D) fembot
E) computer generated
F) combination of above
G) none of the above

Because really.. I can't decide.

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A few songs you need now...

The latest beats I've been rocking out to in my car:

bittersweet world - ashley simpson
i know, i know, it's ash-simp, but really, it's quite tolerable and if it was a total crock of shit do you think you'd find it on here? non. so get downloading.

saints of los angeles - motley crue
a wicked rock track that has a super addictive chorus.

so what - pink
oh god, this has been on repeat for a few days. hah. love the 'laughing' and fuck you type theme. rad.

if i never see your face again - maroon 5 & rihanna
the video for this is uber hot and adam levine is even hotter. ah. this song is a few months old but i still love love love it.

she's electric - oasis
it's oasis. they need no intro!


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Here's the lowdown..

I was at a different blog site, then the spamming got out of control.. people were stealing my posts.. that sort of thing. Anyway. Making the move to Blogspot.

Basically I'm going to copy over some of my latest posts, and then go from there. So.


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the girl next door

22 ; Canadian ; engineering student

ambitious · stubborn · passionate
tempermental · intellectual
eccentric · sarcastic · emotional

You can expect to see my thoughts expressed through text, images, & audio. Nothing is taboo. Sometimes I swear, & am inappropriate, so heads up. Name it, I've been there, so never hesitate to email me.

I ♥ music, espresso, engineering, dance, culture & nerds.

scream out loud

you're on your way

Venusian Rising
Restless Ambition
Feigned Innocence
Day in the Life
Dear World
Bookish Spazz
The Anxious Apple. Core
Treasures in my Mind ♥
Little Treasure Chest
Dragon Queen
Hey God...Its Me..
Prima Diva
I'll be in love by friday
Bloggins by Gotfilk
Your Guilty Pleasure
Diary of a Snuggleslut
She Has One Life..
My View of the World
Honest, but mistaken

gone with the wind

September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
September 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
August 2010
September 2010

take a bow
