boys are stupid.

The. End.

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It's late, and I'm having a cozy night in to myself in my apartment. Almost midnight. Should probably just give in and go to bed.

But no. Tum tum is a-rumblin'! And practically chanting to me, "mac and cheese, mac and cheese.."

I should specify, to me mac and cheese is no neon out of a box nonsense. I make this stuff from scratch.

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feeling a bit wanderlusty

"If you’re visiting a country where you don’t speak the language,
just put on your best accent. Totally fools ‘em."
— Craig Ferguson

I don't know what it is lately, I just have this insane urge to grab my passport & wallet, maybe a bag of a few essentials & just get out of here, go somewhere, anywhere.

Maybe it's because I have barely twelve days left of holidays before classes start again..

..or because I went straight into university after high school when several of my peers decided to travel..

..perhaps it's because I just saw Eat Pray Love.

Whatever the reason, and even though I probably won't be able to get away for an extended time until I'm finished my degree(s), I'm keeping a mental list of the top countries I want to visit.

Currently includes: Italy, Greece, Ukraine, Ireland, Scotland, UK, Spain, Portugal, Ecuador, Brazil, Germany... oh god I could go on and on and on...

Where do you want to go?

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let your heart defy your logic.

Isn't that what always happens?

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I really wouldn't mind lying on the grass in the park, snuggling up to Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Yeah. That would be an ok afternoon.

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mmm ...lunch

Pretty sure the simplest ingredients and combinations always result in the most tasty things.

Lunch today:
  • salad {3 diced vine ripened tomatoes, handful of fresh basil leaves, torn into pieces, some finely sliced & diced fresh mozzarella, drizzles of balsamic vinegar & extra virgin olive oil, sprinkle of pepper}
  • hunk of ciabatta bread
  • 1/2 sparkling water 1/2 iced tea


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how do i do this again?

Right. Well. Since classes start in about.. 12 days or so I figured I'd start blogging again.

Had a brief stint with tumblr.. still can't decide which service I like better. For now, blog it is.

Slow afternoon at work. Starting search for new layout...

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the girl next door

22 ; Canadian ; engineering student

ambitious · stubborn · passionate
tempermental · intellectual
eccentric · sarcastic · emotional

You can expect to see my thoughts expressed through text, images, & audio. Nothing is taboo. Sometimes I swear, & am inappropriate, so heads up. Name it, I've been there, so never hesitate to email me.

I ♥ music, espresso, engineering, dance, culture & nerds.

scream out loud

you're on your way

Venusian Rising
Restless Ambition
Feigned Innocence
Day in the Life
Dear World
Bookish Spazz
The Anxious Apple. Core
Treasures in my Mind ♥
Little Treasure Chest
Dragon Queen
Hey God...Its Me..
Prima Diva
I'll be in love by friday
Bloggins by Gotfilk
Your Guilty Pleasure
Diary of a Snuggleslut
She Has One Life..
My View of the World
Honest, but mistaken

gone with the wind

September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
September 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
August 2010
September 2010

take a bow
