It's late, and I'm having a cozy night in to myself in my apartment. Almost midnight. Should probably just give in and go to bed.
But no. Tum tum is a-rumblin'! And practically chanting to me,
"mac and cheese, mac and cheese.."I should specify, to me mac and cheese is no neon out of a box nonsense. I make this stuff from scratch.
"If you’re visiting a country where you don’t speak the language,
just put on your best accent. Totally fools ‘em."
— Craig Ferguson
I don't know what it is lately, I just have this insane urge to grab my passport & wallet, maybe a bag of a few essentials & just get out of here, go somewhere, anywhere.
Maybe it's because I have barely twelve days left of holidays before classes start again..
..or because I went straight into university after high school when several of my peers decided to travel..
Whatever the reason, and even though I probably won't be able to get away for an extended time until I'm finished my degree(s), I'm keeping a mental list of the top countries I want to visit.
Currently includes: Italy, Greece, Ukraine, Ireland, Scotland, UK, Spain, Portugal, Ecuador, Brazil, Germany... oh god I could go on and on and on...
Where do you want to go?
Pretty sure the simplest ingredients and combinations always result in the most tasty things.
Lunch today:
- salad {3 diced vine ripened tomatoes, handful of fresh basil leaves, torn into pieces, some finely sliced & diced fresh mozzarella, drizzles of balsamic vinegar & extra virgin olive oil, sprinkle of pepper}
- hunk of ciabatta bread
- 1/2 sparkling water 1/2 iced tea
Labels: lunch
Right. Well. Since classes start in about.. 12 days or so I figured I'd start blogging again.
Had a brief stint with tumblr.. still can't decide which service I like better. For now, blog it is.
Slow afternoon at work. Starting search for new layout...